Monday, August 29, 2011

24 hours of gaming...

Hello gentle readers!

I apologize it has been so long since I have posted. A brand new semester has started and the craziness that comes with the last bits of Summer and preparing for a new academic school year prevented me from blogging. I hope to get up some shiny new posts when the dust settles.

I have been recruited to join a team of gamers to game in the name of charity. This gaming session of epic proportions is going down on October; 24 solid hours of gaming in order to raise money for a children's hospital in Colorado. I don't usually whore my blog out like this, but in the name of charity and for the children, so I figured it would be O.K. just this once. FOR GOD'S SAKE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

Please consider sponsoring me :) Every little bit helps. 


  1. @Paul, I'm a pretty big deal in the gaming world...o.k. mainly PS3 and STO, but yeah...Got recruited by other gamers on those systems.

    Thanks for the lucky vibes ladies :)


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